School buses are the safest form of highway transportation. The most dangerous part of the school bus ride is getting on and off the bus. Pedestrian fatalities (while loading and unloading school buses) account for approximately three times as many school bus-related fatalities, when compared to school bus occupant fatalities. The loading and unloading area is called the “Danger Zone” The “Danger Zone” is the area on all sides of the bus where children are in the most danger of not being seen by the driver (ten feet in front of the bus where the driver may be too high to see a child, ten feet on either side of the bus where a child may be in the driver’s blind spot, and the area behind the bus).
Half of the pedestrian fatalities in school bus-related crashes are children between 5 and 7 years old.
Young children are most likely to be struck because they:
Hurry to get on and off the bus
Act before they think and have little experience with traffic
Assume motorists will see them and will wait for them to cross the street
Don’t always stay within the bus driver’s sight
Transportation Changes
If a change is to occur, document in your child's agenda how they will get home for the teacher to see. If something unexpectly happens, you may notify us before 2:30 PM. Afterwards, there will be no transportation changes, you will need to stop by our office and check them out. We do not take calls to checkout students over the phone or prevent them from getting on the school bus incase you can not get here before 2:50.
Thank you for your consideration.