New Hire Process

Once notified by the Principal that you have been selected for a position, follow the steps below:

1. The Human Resources office will contact you to schedule an appointment for the pre-screening of your criminal background.  This will include fingerprinting and drug testing.

2. Once the criminal background screening has cleared, you will need to complete the New Hire forms that will be sent to the email you used when completing your application in Skyward.  You will also need to complete the Payroll forms listed to the left of this page.  Please print and return these forms to the Human Resources office.

3. Bring the completed Payroll forms to HR, along with the following:

Social Security Card - The name on the card will be used for processing purposes.  If you do not have a card, please obtain a printout from the Social Security Office stating you have applied.

Photo Identification - Your driver's license will suffice.  If you do not have a driver's license, bring another type of photo ID.

How to Apply

View a complete list of Job Vacancies and apply online. 

Applicants must complete the following steps in order to be considered eligible for job vacancies:

  1. Complete the online application.

  2. Be sure to include all prior employers' information (including valid email addresses) in the "References" section of the application.  Please let prior employers know that an employment reference form will be sent to the email address provided.  They must complete this form in order for you to be considered for hire.  Please refrain from including personal references in the "References" section of your application. (Personal references are not required, but if they are included, they must be provided in the form of a letter and should be included in the "Attachments" section of the application.)

  3. Attach a copy of your transcripts.

  4. Attach a copy of your FLDOE Statement of Eligibility or Valid Florida Educator's Certificate.  For more information visit

Applications will not be considered until the above requirements are complete.

Upon offer and acceptance of employment, you will be required to undergo a drug screening and fingerprinting.

If you have any questions, please contact the Human Resources Department.