Educator Certification
Florida offers a number of traditional and alternative educator preparation routes that lead to full Professional certification. Some routes are direct pathways to the Professional Certificate. For other routes, the individual first teaches under a Temporary Certificate and then moves to the Professional Certificate.
This webpage includes information on Florida's:
Educator Preparation Routes
The Routes to a Florida Professional Certificate Chart (PDF, 99KB) shows all of the educator preparation options, traditional and alternative, leading to the full Professional Certificate. The chart is separated into three distinct route types - teacher preparation programs, certificate reciprocity, and other alternative routes. It also includes details for each preparation option with links to websites that provide additional information on each route.
Direct Pathways to a Professional Certificate
Many applicants go directly to the full Professional Certificate by following one of these pathways:
Valid Standard Certificate Issued by another State (See Reciprocity)
Valid Certificate Issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
Teacher Education Degree Program and Passing Florida Certification Examinations
Educator Preparation Institute Program and Passing Florida Certification Examinations
Two Semesters of Full-Time College Teaching Experience, Passing the Florida Professional Education Test, and Passing the Florida Subject Area Examination (for a bachelor's level subject). [NOTE: A graduate level subject requires the graduate degree/coursework specified in the governing State Board Rule in addition to Passing the Florida Subject Area Examination.]
Need help determining the Florida subject that matches your current credentials? See our list of Florida certification subjects and our chart of Florida subjects that compare to NBPTS certification areas.
Pathways to a Temporary Certificate
Applicants who do not currently meet all requirements for a Professional Certificate, can qualify for the Temporary Certificate with one of these pathways:
Bachelor's Degree with a Passing Score on the Florida Subject Area Examination (for subjects that require no more than a bachelor's degree)
Bachelor's Degree with a Valid Certificate Issued by American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE)
Bachelor's Degree with a Major in the Content Area
Bachelor's Degree with Required Courses and 2.5 GPA in the Content Area
Pathways to Move From a Temporary to a Professional Certificate
The individual who has been teaching under a Temporary Certificate can move to the Professional Certificate with one of these pathways:
Valid Certificate Issued by American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) and Demonstration of Professional Education Competence in the Classroom
Florida Professional Development Certification Program and Passing Florida Certification Examinations
College Professional Training Option, Teaching Experience, Demonstration of Professional Education Competence in the Classroom, and Passing Florida Certification Examinations
Professional Preparation College Courses, Teaching Experience, Demonstration of Professional Education Competence in the Classroom, and Passing Florida Certification Examinations
See Moving from the Temporary to the Professional Certificate for important process, application, employment, and timeline information.
Teacher Education Program Graduates
Florida Graduates of Approved Programs
Graduates of Florida state-approved teacher preparation programs who have passed all three portions of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE), will qualify for a Professional Florida Educator's Certificate.
If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Professional Certificate in your program area. Be sure that your application package includes an official score report reflecting passing scores on all portions of the FTCE if taken prior to July 2002. All scores earned after July 1, 2002, are submitted electronically.
Graduates of Florida approved teacher preparation programs who have not passed all three portions of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE), will qualify for a Temporary Certificate. The Temporary Certificate is valid for three school years, which allows you time to complete the certification tests while teaching full time. The Bureau of Educator Certification will provide you with official information about which test(s) to take to complete requirements for the Professional Certificate.
If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area.
Florida Education Majors or Minors Who Have Not Completed A State-Approved Program
You will begin the process by applying for a Temporary Certificate, so that you may begin teaching full-time while you complete your remaining certification requirements. Your Statement of Status of Eligibility will provide you with specific and official information about your remaining requirements for the Professional Certificate.
If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area.
Out-of-state Graduates of Approved Teacher Education Programs
Florida accepts approved teacher preparation programs from other states for initial certification, provided that:
the program area is also a subject in which Florida offers certification, and
the training was completed at the same degree level required in Florida for that subject.
If you are a graduate of an approved teacher preparation program from an institution located in another state, you will likely qualify for a Temporary Florida Educator's Certificate. The Temporary Certificate allows you to begin teaching full-time while you complete the certification exams for the Professional Certificate.
If the above statement describes you, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area.
Want to learn more about the Temporary and Professional Certificates?
See our Certificate Types and Requirements page.
Need help with determining the Florida subject that matches your out-of-state program area?
See our list of Florida certification subjects and the degree levels required for those subjects.
Begin the Steps to Certification
Education Majors from Countries Other Than the United States
You will begin the process by applying for a Temporary Certificate, so that you may begin teaching full-time while you complete your remaining certification requirements. Your Statement of Status of Eligibility will provide you with specific and official information about your remaining requirements for the Professional Certificate.
If you completed an education program from an institution outside the United States, then begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in your program area. Special information about documenting your educational training will be found under Step 1.
Teaching for the Career Changer or College Graduate of a Non-education Program
Do you want to become a teacher?
Florida needs excellent, quality educators in its classrooms. If you hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited or approved institution and are seriously considering the teaching profession as a first career or a career change, but you aren't sure that teaching is right for you, the following web sites have resources to assist you in making this most important decision.
What do you want to teach?
If you've made the decision to teach, you will need to decide the subject that you want to teach and begin the process by applying for a Florida Temporary Certificate in that subject. The Bureau of Educator Certification will only evaluate your eligibility in the subject/s you request on your application form.
Need help choosing your certification/teaching subject? The information below can help you make that decision.
List of certification subjects (Click on a subject to review its requirements)
Subject Area Examination information. For most subjects requiring only a bachelor's degree major, a passing score on the appropriate Subject Area Examination will qualify you for a Temporary Certificate in that subject.
Florida school district certification staff. Each Florida school district has trained certification specialists in their personnel office. If you are seeking employment with a Florida school district, certification staff can assist you with employment and certification information.
Begin the Process
When you have decided which subject you want to teach, begin the "Steps to Certification" by clicking on the link below. You will apply for a Florida Temporary Certificate in the subject/s you have chosen.
Helpful Videos
Video Topics
Upgrade Your Temporary Certificate
FTCE Test Support
Test Information Guides for FTCE/FELE assessments can be found here.
Our district is partnered with 240 Tutoring for Exam support, please contact Steffanie Immerfall for access to discounts and free study time Email Steffanie
All information from this page is located at Certification. Please contact the HR department with specific questions relating to employment in Okeechobee County.